Thursday, August 14, 2008

the fading of summer...

I know that the calendar still reads early August, but my chestnut tree speaks differently. Ole Chester started losing most of his leaves last week and providing for a crunchy walk. Every season is wonderful, but I hold something special in my heart for Autumn.

I guess this means that days of books, papers, and extra work are near. Summer was fun and I slacked in most areas of art, except for a week of bookmaking at the Reserve. That does not mean that I did not think of art. My mind is always flooded with images and ideas as I am drifting off at night. If only I could capture those images as Dali did.

No big vacations this summer, as we traveled to Arizona in the spring. I did accompany the kids to a Brewer game with the summer rec group. It was full of fun and laughs. The boys wrote all over themselves with sharpies.

I am sad for summer to end, but am excited to be reunited with friends.